Hi Sensei George!
I wanted to share a picture of TMA's black belts! I have 4 of them coming to Uechi Camp this year!!! Though we are the only "official" Uechi dojo in Washington that I know of - I just wanted you to know that we are thriving and spreading Uechi Ryu! Our goal is to make Whidbey Island - Uechi Island! We are up to 115 students!
In the picture:
Back row: Carole Hansen - Shodan, Corey Henderson - Shodan, Nick Bibich - Sandan, Jennee Bouthillier - Shodan, Sarah Kelso - Shodan
Front row: Mike Buxton - Shodan, Sensei Fedele Cacia, Wendi Barker - Yondan, Desire McDaniel - Shodan
Thank you for Uechi Ryu!
Tiger Martial Arts
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