Friday, October 19, 2007

More Interesting Newsletter responses


I read with great interest your article on you and Susan's detox program.

Now approaching 61 I have also been examining my health and eating habits.

I DID have my long dreaded colonoscopy this year with only three small non-malignant polyps discovered. I also had put this off for years and should not have.

My wife, an active tennis player and golfer, had a heart episode resulting in five stints recently. This has resulted in a better diet finding it's way into our kitchen.

However, I myself had not committed myself to a better overall diet but thanks to your article I am now motivated to do so.

I continue to practice my Uechi regularly but unfortunately not in a dojo. I have also dabbled in Tai Chi and Zen. I feel Tai Chi and Zen round out my Uechi training.

Denise and I are now in our winter residence here on Hilton Head Island playing lots of golf and tennis. There are no Uechi dojos in the area.

We are taking out kids and grand kids to Disney in a few weeks and will play golf at the Jack Nicklaus course in Windemere and also will play the Celebration course. Is your dojo nearby? I doubt there would be time for a workout but you never know.

Norm Drainville

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