Wednesday, February 17, 2010

From Dr. Paul Haydu, Chairman IUKF

Hi George,

I know you're getting ready for Winterfest. I can't make that, but am planning to attend Summerfest. You must be very busy with the camp, plus arrangements to complete delivery of your latest book. I am looking forward to receiving it, and reading it.

I'm including herein another article written later in December last, which includes ideas and concepts I employ when teaching students. It's a summation of principles I've picked up from outstanding Uechika through the years, combined with concepts that I've learned through my own practice. You could consider this and the prior article to be a contribution toward my teaching certificate.

Please use this material in any way you see fit. I want you to know that Uechi has changed my life for the better in so many ways. If I hadn't walked into your Columbus Ave dojo in 1966, I would not have had this huge gift, that keeps on giving. For this, and your continued teaching, and especially your friendship I will always be grateful !


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